Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Saint Arnold - Spring Bock

Let me just start by clarifying what I'm doing here... Please don't expect a full review of aroma, color, head, etc. There are plenty of sites that do just that. If you have a sense of humor and like beer, then you are in the right place. On to the beer...
Spring Bock is a really great beer. I'd drink it every day if Saint Arnold would wise up and pull this from their seasonal line-up. In fact, I tweeted @SaintArnold today and asked them politely to stop treating Spring Bock like a red-headed seasonal. I'd say this true bock blows most other "bock-ish" beers (ahem, Shiner) out of the water.
It is sweet, but not too sweet. The hops really makes this a nice, even drink. Another way to say this is, yes, you could drink several in a row without much thought. With Saint Arnold's growth, I really do think this is a beer they could keep on shelves year-round and sales would do well.
My recommendation: If you can find it on shelves (there are a few left), buy it and drink it. You won't regret it.
Category: Daily drinker.

1 comment:

  1. We need to start a petition to make this a perennial brew. They should retire the amber in favor of this one.
